Farm Shop & Garden Nursery are now open Monday to Sunday 10am-4pm (tearoom)10am-5pm (farm shop)
- Welcome -

Ardardan is Open 7 Days

Tearoom 10-4pm

Farm Shop 10-5pm

Monty’s Farm Park

Now open 7 days a week
Opening Hours vary  depending on the day.

Pop onto Monty’s website to see full details, prices & book tickets


The Montgomery Family & Team invite you for a good Scottish welcome at Ardardan Estate.

Set on the banks of the River Clyde consists of Ardardan’s Farm Deli & Gift Shop, Tearoom and Farm Experience venue with Monty’s Family Farm Park alongside.

We believe the devil is in the detail in all that we do and hope to provide an amazing experience created by our family for yours!

- Ardardan A-Z -

With so many things to see and do at Ardardan
we’ve created our very own Ardardan to Z.

So come and discover why…

We ♡ Instagram follow us to see life on our farm

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